Purpose Discovery Process
13 Lessons -
Quickly Gain Clarity & Direction For A Business Idea That Aligns With Your Purpose And Makes a BIG Difference in the World (Without Wasting Time Heading in The Wrong Direction)
Would You Like To Have...? Clarity on your business idea, or new direction? Greater connection to a bigger purpose and mission for your business? Direction on how to build your business focusing on your core strengths and values? Excitement about your potential to make a massive difference in the world? Confidence you're heading in the right direction? Knowledge of how you fit in to helping us solve some world problems by 2030?
The Purpose To Profit Formula You will learn the 5 step Purpose To Profit formula and prepare to implement them; You'll get finer distinctions on what the difference is between your life purpose, higher purpose, life's mission and how this helps you get clarity for your business idea.
Purpose Discovery Process You will discover your core expression modalities that give you direction on where you should focus your attention to have fulfilment, make a difference and tap into your Mojo; You'll also discover your core motivations and values that need to be incorporated into your business model and your marketing messages to create customer resonance; You will also discover the part of your purpose you need to focus on to reach fulfilment, impact and profit;
Putting Your Purpose Into Practice You'll start to implement what you've learned into your business (or business idea) right away; You'll discovery some core information here that you can use to "purpose up" your market position and branding;
Creating The Heart And Soul Of Your Business Idea You’ll learn how to determine what is the heart and soul of your business; You will dive into some processes to discover more elements of your purpose that tap you into your Mission Mojo [Your ability to create the extraordinary]; You'll get more clarity on your Life's Big Mission and how that aligns to one of the Global Sustainable Development Goals the United Nations has adopted to achieve by 2030 (or a goal beyond that chart). You'll create the heart and soul of your business ready for monetization;
Monetization For Maximum Profit You will learn various different social impact business models; You'll create a monetisation model that is structured for triple bottom line profits (people, planet, profit); You'll learn how to create gravity by aligning your offers to the Laws of Purpose and other Laws of Nature (Law of Attraction etc) You will learn how to maximize your profit margins; You will learn how to determine which marketing avenues are best for you to follow;
Evolve Your Purpose You will discover how your purpose is your path to your higher potential - even enlightenment; You'll determine what your core life challenges are that will help you reach your higher potential as an entrepreneur; You'll learn what the lower and higher purpose is of each of the challenges and repetitive patterns in your business so you know what to focus on what to do to breakthrough.
Landed 2 New Contracts That Change Her Life
"Before completing the Purpose To Profit KickStarter I had a business that wasn't fulfilling. I felt I could be helping people more but I didn't know how to go about doing that. I knew I had a Higher Purpose but was lost as to what it was. By doing the processes in Purpose To Profit KickStarter I discovered what I was here to do, and the niche I am born to serve. It made me feel relieved to know I'm supposed to be doing something fulfilling. I no longer feel like my days are wasted. You should have confidence in doing this course, if you're needing clarity of direction, because it delivers. Now I have landed two important contracts more in alignment with my purpose and so thrilled and happy every day that I'm now on purpose and making more money. You'll love it as I did. " Rochelle Ra
Rochelle Rae
Social Media Manager
Doubled Her Following & Approached By Google
"Nicola’s process is unlike any I’ve ever done before (and I’ve being in the business of personal growth for almost 20 years). Within 3 weeks I had a complete shift in my business. I got noticed by a top executive at Google as well as top Google influencers, I doubled my following online and I was approached by influencers in my niche to work with them. It’s a no brainer to work with her and it’s well well worth the investment."
Lisa Engles
Inner State Coaching
Gained Clarity Of Direction
"I was lacking clarity on how to move forward with my perpetually stalled business idea. By going through Nicola’s Purpose To Profit Kickstarter I learned exactly what had been missing and what I needed to do to get forward motion. The course provided me with the tools and processes to get the clarity and direction I was craving. Her Formula helped me identify how to align with my purpose to the Laws of Nature , so that my business efforts become easeful, magnetic and profitable. I'm finally able to move forward with complete confidence that I'm "on mission". I definitely recommend doing KickStarter today! Why stay stuck one more day?!"
Katie Chambers
Business Owner
Nicola Grace is a Visionary, Social Entrepreneur and bestselling author of the book Discover What You Are Here To Do. She is also the creator of the global Right Mission Right Money Social Entrepreneur Certification program.
Nicola is the founder of Mission Mastery Academy, an online transformative education hub offering training, mentoring, workshops, V.I.P idea incubator days, visionary mastermind sessions and retreats to facilitate Changemakers into "for-profit" social enterprise businesses that fulfil their purpose, unleash their Mission Mojo, and transform the world. She is also the recipient of the Woman Economic Forum 2018 Award "Iconic Woman Creating A Better World".
As An Author, Nicola’s expert insights appear in the best seller, Ready Aim Captivate: Put Magic in Your Message and a Fortune In Your Future, along with other world leading visionaries Deepak Chopra and Jim Stovall. She features as one of the Celebrity Experts in More.Better: The World’s Leading Experts Reveal How to Get More Out of Business and Life With Better Results published by CelebrityPress and was inducted into the American Best Sellers Hall of Fame in 2013.
Pursuing a double major in History and Education, Nicola dropped out of University to become a serial entrepreneur owning several businesses from dance theatre education, corporate video training, internet marketing, property investment and an organic day spa, to her current social enterprise as The Mission Mentor in the Social Business Industry. Her eclectic background across a number of industries, plus her now famous Intuitive Visionary Skills, has given her a unique ability to understand and help her clients and audience members.
She is the Mentor for higher consciousness changemakers and social entrepreneurs.