Quantum Freedom NFTS

NFTs with a purpose to elevate freedom consciousness

Our collection tells the story of how light consciousness awakens and frees humanity.

As we gather our NFT collectors and community, we're on a mission to find the tipping point person (The 100th Monkey) that will represent a "Freedom Positive" paradigm shift.

Humanity, in real life (IRL) is now free to create a new world where we live our highest truth in peace and prosperity. We call this "Freedom Positive Utopia".


A photographic journey our NFT collectors can join and be part of a global movement that catalyzes the "Freedom Positive" paradigm shift.


Illuminating the world through the transformative power of universal light consciousness reflected in the diversity of nature.


A pictorial representation of the 100th Monkey story that represents the number needed to bring a paradigm shift in personal freedom.

100 NFT's To Find The 100th Monkey

We have 100 different themes in our NFT Quantum Freedom collection. One hundred image themes, including trilogies, will be released in ten waves within the five concepts of Birth, Expansion, Community, Connection and Future. Each wave will include a portrait and landscape version of the theme.

The NFT version of the images to the right will have a watermark containing light affirmations of freedom. The number 100 has particular significance in the story of a Japanese experiment. Scientists observed that when a certain number of monkeys on an island started washing their potatoes, a paradigm shift occurred.

This lead to all the monkeys adopting the new habit. Simultaneously, it was observed that monkeys in other parts of the world started doing the same thing without having observed the habit change of the original community of monkeys.

The conclusion was made that a certain number of monkeys (or humans) shifting consciousness and adopting a new habit, creates a tipping point globally. This tipping point influences the collective no matter where anyone is on the planet, through the Quantum connection we have to all things.  The number given to reach that tipping point has been symbolised with the number 100.

Quantum +

A quantum is the smallest particle in Universe that gives access to creative power of the entire Universe.

Freedom Positive =

The inherent truth that we are born free - Free to choose the experience of a peaceful & prosperous life, self-determination, purpose, and happiness. Quantum Freedom The smallest number of NFT collectors contributing to a paradigm shift that

Quantum Freedom

The smallest number of NFT collectors contributing to a paradigm shift that brings Global Freedom Positive.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead, Author "Anthropology - A Human Science"

Our Roadmap To The 100th Monkey We will be rolling out our Quantum Freedom NFT collection in groups of 10 concepts through waves 1-10. The first wave of themes is called Birth. Wave 1 - Birth Our 100th Monkey Journey begins with the release of 10 themes based on the concept of birth. Thursday 10th March (US Central) a pre-launch party will be held with a "first to mint" opportunity for our community. To reward our early supporters and active members of our community only Whitelisted Members can mint for the introductory rate in the Presale. The pre-sale window will be 24 hours. Friday 10th March Public sale will follow on completion of the pre-sale. Wave 2 - Expansion A new collection will be released to connect with Quantum Freedom Positive through another lens, as we expand our collectors and community. We will have 3 trilogies and 10 stand-alone themes as we begin to gather our first 100 monkeys. Q@ 2022 we will release access to our private app with curated content Our community will be served through regular content educating on the power of Quantum Freedom. Wave 3 to 5 - Community The race to find the 100th Monkey is on as we release 3 more series of new NFT themes on the theme of community in the two formats of landscape and portrait. 20% of royalties from the secondary market will be reserved for : (I) Community development research and implementation on ways to increase value of the Quantum Freedom NFT's for our collectors. (II) Creation of further outreach initiatives to expand our reach to more Freedom Positive loving individuals, as we build our community and search for that elusive 100th Monkey. Wave 6 & 7 - Connection 3 more collections will be released with unique variations so more people can connect with our journey in search of the 100th Monkey. We will seek out connections and collaborations with other like minded #NFTArtist, #NFTActivist, #ArtLovers and #NewEarthers to provide greater value to our community and growth for the NFT space. Advance ways of connecting with our community with events which may include pre-shows, educational and healing events, music in nature events, retreats, masterminds. Wave 8 to 10 - Future We acknowledge that In A Galaxy Far Far Away called The Future, there will be awesomeness that we can not possibly conceive of right now. This awesomeness will expand pathways of artistic expression and technology as a means of connection and transformation. We have a commitment to use any future innovations that may enhance the value of our NFT’s for our collectors and advance our message. Future plans in the research phase now are billboard exposure of our NFT's and galleries in the Metaverse that provide value for our collectors. More details in our exploratory phase will be released in time.

Meet The Team

Nicola Grace

(NFT Artist & Co-Founder)
Concept creator, photographer and transformation facilitator. 

Annemarie Blades

(NFT Artist & Co-Founder)
Concept embellisher, photographer, artist, and social media nurturer.

Rochelle Rae

(Outreach Manager)
 Community developer, outreach and online media manager.

Our Vision

To build Quantum Freedom into a Brand that creates a global Freedom Positive movement and extends from the NFT world to the real world. With our photographs and transformative storytelling the Quantum Freedom Universe extends into a utopian metaverse as a precursor to building that in The Universe including planet earth.

Key Goals

To create an awesome collection of NFT's that provide long term value for our collectors while forwarding our story of The 100th monkey to create a Freedom Positive paradigm shift. To find the 100th’s Monkey (whatever that actual number might be) that creates a paradigm shift, changing the social conversation (and therefore public policy) to one that respects an individuals rights to live free to self determine, on purpose and in prosperity. To inspire other activist artists and healers to use their talents in the NFT space to forward their transformative message. Make a tangible difference to the social causes we believe in that forward the freedom to build a sustainable, equitable, peaceful human family.

As a collector of our Quantum Freedom NFT's we invite you to become part of our global experiment to free humanity and move the world toward Freedom Positive. You might just be the Unique 1st Monkey or the illusive 100th Monkey, or any of the most important Monkey’s in between. An investment with high returns in ETH AND Significance.

Course Curriculum

Nicola Grace

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

Course Pricing

Quantum Freedom NFT's Introductory Course

