Discover Your Purpose, Monetize Your Mission, Make A Big Difference, Leave A Legacy

Without Wasting Time In Lacking Clarity & Direction - Get Detailed Clarity Now

"The most specific information I could ever get hold of in relation to my life purpose and how I am meant to serve on this planet.”

Naina Rama

Hey There  Changemaker!

Nicola Grace, The Mission Mentor here. Right Mission Right Money was designed especially to help you get the nitty clarity you need to put your business monetization model together, while being totally aligned to your purpose and mission in life... Even if you’re ...

  • An established business owner or yet to start your business;  
  • Don’t have a clue what your next big mission is;
  • Or have a idea but no confidence to take action on it;  
  • Or you're on purpose but you feel it's time for a "Purpose Pivot" to level up - download new work.......

To get the clarity you need to confidently take action. There's some stuff you need to know about who you are, why you're on the planet, who you're here to serve, how your supposed to show up in the world, and what you're supposed to be doing to make money as you fulfill your higher calling.

I'm the author of the bestseller "Discover What You're Here To Do". I've had 7 different businesses over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience, and 22 years of internet marketing experience. In 2018, I was awarded the "Iconic Women Creating A Better World Award" from the Women's Economic Forum for helping idea incubate over 1,000 social impact businesses. I hope your business is the next one I help. 

I'm the author of the bestseller "Discover What You're Here To Do". I've had 7 different businesses over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience, and 22 years of internet marketing experience. In 2018, I was awarded the "Iconic Women Creating A Better World Award" from the Women's Economic Forum for helping idea incubate over 1,000 social impact businesses. I hope your business is the next one I help.

Even with all that experience, I too needed to take some time out for self discovery to plan my next level up in my purpose journey only a few years ago. You see I hit my "mid-life crisis" point while operating a successful global mission-driven business, travelling the world speaking about social entrepreneurship.

Then I got the call from my Soul that it was time to level up and "purpose pivot", but was completely lost in the dark as to what the details were, or how to transition my current business.  I know what it is like to lack clarity, then get stuck on taking action because you don't want to waste time doing the wrong thing. I was there not so long ago.

I was so grateful I had created Right Mission Right Money, because I went through this course a second time since it's creation, to design my next pivot in my business. It saved me months of directionless action and angst, even though I had been on a mission-driven purpose. I discovered so many new things about myself and my next level of purpose fulfillment.

The reason for that is that purpose is an evolutionary unfoldment in your life. So you need to have your business structured for you to evolve your purpose through it.

The processes I've designed connect you to your soul's mission blueprint and what it's wanting to reveal and express right now. So you can go through this course every year at every phase of the unfoldment of your purpose and still get tremendous insight, value, clarity and direction from it. Just like I did, and so many of my clients and customers have.

Taking this soulful time to go through Right Mission Right Money will save you time as it did me. It can potentially save you money as well, as I see so many people go off and do the wrong thing on the wrong path because they're not 100% aligned to what they're really here to do. So they have to start all over again, sometimes even re-brand, which can be really costly.    

Not to mention a complete time suck.     Don't let that be you..... Take the positive step of giving yourself this treasured journey of soul searching and self discovery to nut out all the details of your new business direction and monetization model as you align more deeply to the details of your next level purpose.

"I dealt with money issues and I have a lot more work coming in. I had my busiest month ever last month doing what I love. Now I’m booked several weeks in advance.”

Dean Rawlings

Global Healer, Workshop Facilitator

“Right Mission Right Money has allowed me to create a double six figure platform for a new business that allows me to transition out of my high paying job with confidence." 

Vanessa Saunders

Corporate Changemaker

Here's How Right Mission Right Money Will Help You Get Clarity, Idea Incubate Your Business & Build Your Money Model :

Module 1 - Clarify The Expression Modalities To Monetize

Most people I have worked with monetize the wrong soul expression, so they never get the magical results they desire. There's a specific way your Soul wants you to show up in the world and express yourself. This changes as you progress through the evolution of your purpose. So we need to find out what those expressions are now, and where you're going so we create a business model that allows your purpose to evolve.

Deepen your connection to your life purpose and your soul guidance by finding all the clues you've missed over the years as to what you're here to be and do and how to show up in the world; Discover your 5-8 primary expression modalities so you know what you should be focusing on to unleash your mojo and make a big difference, plus the expressions you should monetize so you feel passionately fulfilled; Pinpoint your Soul Resonance Words that clearly identify YOU as the person to work with for your ideal customers; Create your first implementation strategy to make your marketing more magnetic; refocus your business activities where the expansion is. (If you're in Start-Up and don't know your business idea yet, you'll come back to this step after Module 4).

Module 2 - Locate Your Mission Mojo

 In this Life Defining Module it’s time to learn the REAL REASON FOR BEING HERE ON THIS PLANET!!! And how you can create a robust purpose aligned business that creates positive synergy. This is where we discover what the heart and soul of your business model will be, and when you align to all these elements together will unleash your Mission Mojo.

Discover your Life's Big Mission and Life's Work so you can add your ‘Mission Mojo’ into your Business Model; Nail the niche you were born to serve and prosper in so when you speak your message your audience will resonate and buy from you; Clarify the precise message you're here to deliver and how to articulate your message so your ideal customers get you; Learn what your unique skills and talents are so you can build confidence in the difference you're here to make; Get the nitty gritty details of your Higher Purpose so you know the next best steps to take and where to start with your monetization model;

Module 3 - Establish Your Social Impact Monetization Model This is a Game Changer Module where you’re going to discover the best way to contribute to humanity during this evolutionary phase of human history… This is the ONLY place you will survive and thrive and the ONLY place you’ll be able to make a lot of money with impact. We want to monetize your mission so it's still relevant as the automation industry makes a lot of roles and businesses obsolete.

Clarify your 7 offers and pricing points that all align to you fulfilling your purpose and unleashing your Mojo; Align your offers to the Law of Mass Attraction and Law of 7 to use this to create gravity - magnetism - so people get it that you're the authority to buy from; Get clear on how to leverage your offers so you're no longer trading your time for money; Get details on how you're here to serve and how you are supposed to show up in the world and fulfill your purpose; Decipher how to lower the cost of customer acquisition and maximize your profits by taking advantage of the Pareto 80/20 Principle and giving you more free time;

Module 4 - Align Your Marketing To "Now Money Now" It’s time for the Laser Focused Action Module, where we continue building your Mission Aligned Monetization Model with my formula, without working more hours, so you make money whether you work, sleep or play. Thus allowing you to take a vacation, write your next book, do cool stuff or re-invest to scale and grow your business.

Create Your ‘Now Money Now’ formula which is not just about making money each week, it’s about making more money by making a bigger difference as you build your legacy in leverages ways so you can take holidays and still have money coming in; Determine which two "Now Money Now" income generators you'll take to market to get the cash flowing and growing and test the market to make sure your idea is viable; Complete your business model then go implement "proof of concept" so you can get confident you really are heading in the right direction; Start the process of marketing yourself with the first step to get early feedback you've got the right offer and message in front of the right market.

Module 5 - Remove Resistance & Build Your "Attractor Factor" In this Highly Transformational and Life Changing Module it’s time to marry Mission, Money & Magnetism so you can become an unstoppable force for the good in the world and when you do what you love, the money will indeed follow you. I’m going to show you:

How recognise and heal the split brain hemisphere syndrome that is present in all of us seperating purpose and passion from money and reward, so resistance to making money on purpose no longer holds you back; What your actual personal resistance profile is and what to do specifically when it rears its head so you can succees inspite of any resistance that shows up; How to marry the concepts of Mission & Money within you by going through a guided process to start to integrate the concepts of doing what you love, being on purpose and being richly rewarded for doing so; How to dissolve limiting belief matrices, ancestral inherited limitation and collective consciousness beliefs that have been holding you back and keep you playing small, so you can create some momentum in the growth of your business.

What's Great About Right Mission Right Money Is That You Are Finding Out What Is On Your Soul Mission Blueprint That Is Calling You RIGHT NOW - So OF COURSE YOU'LL BE ABLE TO DO IT! Your Soul Knows What's Best For You

"The RMRM self-discovery processes have really opened up my Soul Purpose and shown me how to build a leveraged business and take my message to a global audience. Using Nicola’s formula to communicate my message is truly outstanding. Every time I speak my message at networking events I end up with new clients.

I’ve managed to get my coaching business off the ground in a reality short time frame. I would never be where I am right now, without RMRM. It would have taken me 2 or 3 years to get here. There are so many courses where people leave you. Nicola’s format really hand holds you through the whole thing in authentic and genuine way."

Steven Levy
Founder, Dare2Be Executive Coaching

"Once I got into the course, I loved, loved, loved it. I loved Nicola’s speaking style. It’s friendly, open and fun. With my NLP background, the unconscious mind is one of my pet interests, so I loved how the processes get you to delve into the unconscious mind, uncovering clues to how I’ve been holding myself back. It’s so important, in moving forward to expose the learnings from past experiences and maximize them.

This course is helping me do this. I’m excited about my future and what it holds. Mission Blueprint began to give me clarity within the first half of the very first module.  This is great value and a great investment in yourself. Nicola is fun and relaxed makes me feel at ease and cared for. I highly recommend this program to anyone who has been struggling with their purpose and meaning in life. It’s a decision you will be glad you made."

Jacleen Allen
Business Owner, NLP Practitioner

"Nicola’s process helped me get focused on the direction best for me for my next business. Her step by step process allowed me to tick all the boxes, leaving nothing out, so I could get everything together to make a bigger impact.     While it confirmed a few things for me, but it also gave me a lot more details to how to put my profitable business model together. Now I’m on the straight freeway rather than the windy road. I have the information I need to create the end result so I can transition out of my current role.

Trevor Thompson
Serial Entrepreneur & Corporate Trainer

"I’ve been on a pretty intensive self growth journey, taken many courses, but never could get clear on my purpose so that everything else would fall into place. I use to have a business promoting events with visionary leaders including Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson.    They were successful on many levels but I didn’t have all of the pieces to build financial sustainability.

Right Mission Right Money gave me all those pieces. I now have great clarity on my purpose and my mission and clear direction to move forward. The course has also helped me tie all the different pieces of life together.    

I highly recommend you become part of her global taskforce of changemakers like me. Nicola is a master at helping people discover the universal creative genius within and integrating that with practical and proven business strategies to create a winning blueprint for the social entrepreneur."

Nikki Clifton
Serial Entrepreneur

"I dealt with money issues and I have a lot more work coming in. I had my busiest month ever last month doing what I love. Now I’m booked several weeks in advance. I had much more energy after the course than I went in with. There has definitely been a shift in the lack which is great. I faced my issues without getting swamped by them. And shifted the blocks.

Now I’m in Right Action, opportunities are opening up for me to travel with my work and take it to the next level. I’ve attracted all sorts of people to help promote me and take my teaching and healing wot the next level. It’s just been amazing."

Dean Rawlings
Global Healer, Workshop Facilitator

"Right Mission Right Money changed my life. I was lost searching for my life purpose and had tried many many life purpose courses. None were as specific as RMRM. I also hired a very expensive corporate executive coach to tell me what I was meant to do and what work I was aligned to do. But none helped as they were not specific enough and each left me confused.

The RMRM process tells you exactly not just what your life purpose is but also your target audience, niche market and most important exactly what your message is in exact words. I found it invaluable for this reason alone, the most specific information I could ever get hold of in relation to my life purpose and how I am meant to serve on this planet…...

After RMRM I sprung out of bed and felt energized. I could not believe it!!! All it took was for me to connect with my life purpose, to connect with my light within."

Naina Rama

“My business sales have increased over 200%, as well as getting more customer referrals and enquires. I am truly seeing the benefits of this intensive program. I look forward to watching my business grow. I highly recommend Nicola Grace, as her amazing readings and incredible programs are all designed to move you toward successfully growing your own thriving business." 

Katea Pullen
Product Developer Transition CodesConsultant

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“Amazing, enlightening and clarifying. I know that I’m on this earth for a mission to really make a massive impact on humanity. In my work with Nicola she just bought me to the true clarification and to my true mission. I know really why I’m here now. I have an amazing mission and vision that I can now articulate really clearly articulate, and I can truely monetise so I can help as many people. I’ve gone on to publish my second book, and am about to speak at an Ivy League University to 126 people! Many thanks for being an inspiration in my life.”  Ben Gioia, Influence With A Heart

Ben Goia
Speaker Author - Influence With A Heart

“Before doing Right Mission Right Money I had no money, no clarity on how to talk about what I do, and I had a complete crisis of confidence. Now I feel clear about what my purpose is, how to get there and how to articulate it. I’m clear on my message and niche. Plus I’m now experiencing flow. Getting clear on who my niche market is has given me focus and a focused plan of action for developing my business which has now given me the confidence to more forward. People are totally responding to the new message and i have new clients already before I’ve even finished the program. With Nicola’s commitment to helping me get results fast, I’ve made more progress the 6 weeks of the program than I have in the the previous six months. If you’re ready to get results you need to work with Nicola this would be a good fit.“ 

Belinda Noakes
The Courage Mentor

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  • Comprehensive self discovery course to clarify the details of your purpose and mission, then monetize it while removing resistance

    • 5 Self Discovery Modules
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